Wednesday, August 25, 2010


My day starts as usual, out for a morning stroll and cafe, then back to write.
The taptap comes at 8 to take us up to the church for breakfast. We play with the children again, they are so physical, I think I have a red ring around my wiast from all the grabbing and pinching to get my attention.
At 10, we all pile into the taptap to go see the new land. It is a beautiful ride there, through very lush greenery. Coralita grows everywhere, showing off its bright pink blossoms. Already it is blazing hot. Not a cloud is to be seen in the sky. Just as we are about to leave, an old lady and small girl arrive with a stack of amazing hats. One catches my eye immediately. We have fun trying them on in the shade of a tree. How is it that she is selling hats out here in the bush? Then I realize that I had seen the hats on a table at one of the houses we had passed to get here. She had seen us, and figured there might be a sale. We ended up buying three! She was right. What a beautiful sight it was. Of course, Zelmo was blowing his horn, ready to leave.
After lunch there was the feeding program again. I dried the hands of every youngster after they patiently stood in line to wash. A little wiggle and a shake along with a squeeze was usually enough to get a glowing smile from each one.
In the afrternoon we were taken to an orphange nearby. It was for boys only. They ranged in age from 8 to 20, probably 25 all together. I performed for them in the corner of a dusty soccer field in a small yard. they were so much fun, very open to laugh and cheer each other on as I called them up to volunteer. After I spoke to them a little and they asked questions, like why did I come to Haiti. It was great to voice my beliefs about the importance of laughter, not only in a disaster situation but also in every day life. They all nodded in agreement. One boy wanted to know how I threw the knots into the rope, so I taught him how, and found a shoelace on the ground that I gave to him to practice with. He picked it up quite quickly.
I was so parched after the show and noone had any water. I need to stay hydrated!!
After a short rest back at the hotel, we all wandered out to go to some shops. One mann recognized me from my visit in March!
We eneded up at the beach again, meeting up with our artist friend from Pinchinat. I told him that we had been there yesterday, but he had to go the the clinic because his tent had collapsed on himm in the night, bruising his chest.
He took a bracelet off his arm and put it on Kelsey's, asking her to wear it. It was beautiful. Upon closer inspection we saw that kit was wound wire. We commented on how creative it was, and he disappeared up the beach. He came back in a few minutes with wtrands of phone wire, electric cord and copper wire bouncing from his hand. In about 10 minutes he created another. they sere so great, we asked how much he could make them for. We then asked him to see how many he could make before we left on Thursday. He accepted the challenge!! We will see. I siad no more than 2000.
When we got back to the hotel, Lindor Wilking was there with his soda pop bags. Robin had a long chat with him about commerce and pricing. What an opportunity for this young man to learn from someone in that business. i got two beauties from him to bring home.
It was another full on day.

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